Qeraton Arabia's courses on thermography fully meet and exceed the educational requirements for certification in accordance with Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A, as defined by the American Society for Non-Destructive Training. Thermography training will be in accordance with the Saudi Building Code 601 approved by the Saudi Government and it's based on The International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). We offer Thermography training, certification, and re-certification in all aspects of thermography including Level I, II, and III classes as well as specialized instruction in building and electrical diagnostics.
Specialised training courses covering all aspects of infrared imaging, including Level 1 and 2 certification are offered. Assistance is provided by Qeraton Arabia for your entire infrared programme - equipment evaluation, personnel training and certification (ISO), application training, programme development and implementation, application development and consulting services including a corporate Written Practice.
Level 1 Infrared Thermography Certification
Qeraton Arabia courses is designed to meet and exceed EN473 / ISO 9712 and the SNT-TC-1A recommended practices.
The training programme combines both theoretical and practical activities blended together to provide a positive learning experience. The theoretical information is essential for understanding the real world problems that face thermographers in the field today. This is combined with hands-on operator training that teaches how to use infrared instruments. The trainers are highly qualified and experienced and they can teach you not only basic system operation, but also the finer points of your specific piece of equipment and give you the knowledge to utilise the tools at your disposal.
You will also learn the principles behind the main applications of infrared thermography and study how industries incorporate this technology into different businesses. The trainers will teach how to create professional reports and the processes that are used by qualified thermographers. After completing the course you will have an understanding of the techniques and reporting procedures necessary to put together an effective predictive maintenance programme.
Course Content:
Thermal / Infrared Physics
Temperature: How It Is Measured
The Nature of Heat and Temperature
Heat Transfer Mode Familiarisation
Infrared Equipment Operation
Infrared Applications
Case Studies
How To Do An Infrared Inspection
Infrared Image and Documentation
Support Data Collection
Elements Of A Good Infrared Image
Database Programmes
Report Generation
Level 2 Infrared Thermography Certification
Achieving Level 1 Certification is a prerequisite to attending a Level 2 course.
This hands-on course will assist you in developing your camera operating skills and highlight new inspection procedures and applications. The level 2 training will aid in advancing your infrared condition-monitoring programme or consulting services. This course provides the opportunity to study software programmes and examine IR trending.
You will gain the knowledge of the importance of NDT applications and attaining superior measurement skills, to improve accuracy and diagnosis. The trainers will discuss the benefits of infrared thermography and can devise appropriate strategies for individual business requirements. This can incorporate concepts such as marketing, as well as thermal analysis and inspection techniques. Specialist one-on-one sessions, in depth post course support and manual upgrades are also included in the level 2 course.
Course Content:
Basic Calculations for Three Modes of Heat Transfer
The Infrared Spectrum
Radiosity Challenges
Infrared Measurement & Quantification
Image Processing High Speed Data Collection
Active Applications
Filtered Applications
Transient Applications
Resolution Test and Calculations
Special Equipment and Inspection Techniques
Reports and Documentation
Advanced Temperature Measurement Methods
Advanced Applications